Get on the mat

 Yoga is for everyone 



It really doesn’t matter if you can’t touch your toes; the purpose of yoga is to find stillness and a connection. Yoga connects the mind, body and spirit. It creates harmony and balance. It helps to quieten the mind, strengthen the body and helps to find happiness. Our yoga practice is a powerful tool that helps connect the dots within and with the outer world.

It is for all ages, genders and abilities. Mr Iyengar was a pioneer, he popularised yoga for everyone. Prioritising correct alignment is good for postural and structural problems. Everyone’s body is unique so this enhances the benefits that are more specific to the individual.

The Iyengar Method

Iyengar classes are slower and more sustainable than other yoga methods emphasising a quality of movement and maintaining the poses. Holding postures for longer allows muscles to lengthen and relax; it helps focus mental awareness and generates mindfulness.


What to expect from a class?

  • A safe, methodical progression of yoga postures

  • Technique – precision, alignment and awareness in performing the yoga postures

  • Sequencing to develop strength, flexibility, stamina, concentration and relaxation

  • Clear demonstration and explanation by well-qualified teachers

  • Individual correction and adjustment by the teacher when necessary.


We use props

Iyengar yoga teachers will often use props as teaching aids to enable everyone to access specific ‘actions’ within the pose. Ultimately, this makes the pose accessible to all, it also helps to practice the pose correctly and safely. Oftentimes, they are also used to allow students to stay in the pose.

Props or supports will include items such as belts, blankets, bolsters, bricks and foam pads.

Let your journey start here…